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Filska Shetland Pony Stud

Serrang Equestrian inhand show
1year old filly 2nd Filska Tia Maria
2/3year old filly 4th Somahouse Ivy (highest placed 2yr old)
6th Filska Zoe
Filska Tia Maria - Reserve Junior Champion
SPSBS Breed Show (Shetland)
Black Ring
Filly Foal 3rd Filska Tianna
Coloured Ring
Gelding 5th Filska Cossack
Stallion 2nd Merkisayre Sea Dancer
6th Clivocast Viking
Brood Mare 3rd Bayview Tia
6th Musselbrough Isla
Colt Foal 1st Filska Magnus
1year old filly 3rd Filska Tia Maria
2year old filly 2nd Somahouse Ivy
4th Filska Zoe
Voe Show
Broodmare 1st Bayview Tia
3rd Musselbrough Zola
Filly Foal 2nd Filska Tianna
Colt Foal 1st Filska Zebo
1 year old Filly 1st Filska Tia Maria
2 year old Filly 2nd Somahouse Ivy
3rd Filska Zoe
Entire Male 2nd Clivocast Napoleon
Best foal Filska Zebo
Reserve Junior Champion Filska Tia Maria
Reserve Senior Champion Bayview Tia
Progeny 2nd Filska Tia Maria & Filska Zoe
Viking Shetland pony Show
Colt Foal 1st Filska Magnus
Filly Foal 3rd Filska Tianna
1yr old Filly 3rd Filska Tia Maria
2yr old Filly 4th Somahouse Ivy
Unst Show
2yr Old Filly 1st Somahouse Ivy
1yr Old Filly 3rd Filska Tia Maria
Lerwick Sale Show
Standard Filly Foal 1st Filska Shelby
Best Filly Foal
Overall Best Foal
Reserve Champion
Best Filly Foal from all Shetland Shows Filska Shelby
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